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I received a DVD copy of Mike Anderson's expose of the very dark history of what we understand of cancer and its induction. The DVD is called 'curing cancer from within'. Significantly, the contents of the DVD tell the unspoken story from leading doctors and researchers on the efficacy of the three methods of treating cancer i.e. chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. The authors use the same language, definitions and terminology used by the medical establishment to devastating effect in exploding current day myths on cancer treatments, particularly when they detail how the results of cancer clinical trials /survival rates for these treatments are reported in so-called peer review journals. The bombshell is the way in which they clearly explain the difference between 'absolute and relative benefits' as reported by Big Pharma drugs companies when they report their research findings. They also reveal the complicity between Big Pharma and the Food & Drug Administration /politicians and medical establishments and associated 'think tanks' in establishing a medical method of treatment that has no more efficacy in curing cancer than taking a 'sugar pill'. They explore the way in which doctors are trained, the curriculum used to train doctors prior to practice, the legal sanctions doctors face if they do not offer cancer patients chemo, radiation or surgery. They completely demolish the myths surrounding the induction of cancers and offer non-medical solutions to curing cancer, diabetes and a host of other illnesses by adjustment of diet.


To those looking at these pages because you are currently battling this illness, take heart because forewarned is forearmed and at least you will have a choice on treatments once you understand what the possibilities are. Almost everyone I know, knows someone who has died from cancer and its about time the real story is told. I for one am fed up with seeing adverts /pleadings from the cancer industry saying they need yet more of our money to help them lick cancer or that a cure is "just around the corner". Also of note is the way in which Big Pharma and the FDA via orders from Rockefeller, historically hounded out of existence any alternative treatments for cancer that dared to treat its cause i.e. diet and other natural remedies espoused via homeopathy. This DVD is a shameful expose of greed over patient care. This battle is still on-going as the CODEX Committees are legislating out of existence natural remedies and vitamin supplements that have proved to be effective over 100s of years. The common denominator here is greed, control and from a wider spiritual perspective a more blatant attack on our immune system as the powers that be attempt to keep us in survival mode and dis-ease rather than at ease with ourselves.

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