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Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
This evening, the main teaching will be an extension of the last... the next lesson regarding the spiritual structure of DNA. We're going to give the layers some names. We're going to tell you more about the structure, and we're going to share information about DNA's interdimensional structure--the way it looks, how it is grouped--all of these things will be discussed in a moment.
We cannot begin this explanation without remarking on who is here. Indeed, many of you are sitting here listening or reading, thinking that you're so ordinary! Some of you are saying, "I'm too young to have done anything important for God yet." Some of you are saying, "I'm too old to do anything important for God in the future." Those in the middle are saying, "I'm too busy to do anything important for God right now." And while you're deciding that you didn't or can't or never will, you're in the middle of doing what you came here for, and you don't even know it!
Young person, you've got your life ahead of you. Ever wonder why you came? Perhaps it's to plant some seeds that you'll eventually need to retrieve and remember. Senior citizen, what are you doing here? Weren't there those around who told you it was too late to start anything? Oh! Perhaps it's time to get out of that paradigm you were born in! Age makes no difference. Neither does your bodily condition. There's nothing that can stop you, Lightworker, from changing this planet.Who are you to think that you could change something so grand as Earth? We've given you this information before. The truth of it is this: What you think and the purity of your thoughts--that divine connection that you strive to connect to--goes into the earth and changes the vibration of the planet! Oh, many times we've instructed you, Lightworkers, to come together and pray for different parts of the earth. We still do. But never let it be forgotten that you could do so much, even by yourself. We've even discussed those who are prayer-warriors, meditation-warriors, ones who spend time all by themselves, but who are changing the planet. Do you think a person like that wonders whether it's a futile effort? No. Those people know who they are and what is happening, for they feel the connection. Some even see the balance shifting.
Sometimes they weep with joy, because they know that what they're doing today will change history.That's how profound it is! And that's who sits in front of me [speaking of the live audience]. That's also who picks up a book like this and decides to let their consciousness meld with mine. I've said this before: There's a core group awakening on this planet, and this group is called Lemurian. Now, that's a reference. It's a reference to a lifetime many years ago. Some of you have that literal information surging through your DNA, and looking at the old souls in this room [in Philadelphia], there are only 13 here who are not Lemurian.
This room is filled with mostly old souls. Let the youngest take note that you are included in this. Old souls! You know things, don't you? There was a time when you knew things and couldn't relate them to anyone around you. This is what is beginning to change. Even those around you who would never, ever believe what you believe may begin to treat you differently. Because the energy you carry is beginning tobe the energy of a new balance.
A few years ago, we told about those who would be forced to "get off the fence." They couldn't sit in a gray area anymore, making no decisions about their own beliefs. Now, they're either with you or against you. We told some of you in the past about the DNA experience we call ascension [more on that today]. It has nothing to do with what you might have read about biblical times. It is, instead, the ascension [raising] of the vibration of you at a cellular level. It is the raising of your vibration to light level. It's the connection to The Cosmic Lattice, and it involves some very specific things that you should know about regarding your DNA. But we're not ready to talk about that yet.
You see, there are some Lemurians here who came for a healing, and you know who you are, don't you? So why don't we just do that together right now. There has never been a better time than this to alter the structure of your body--to give it information, since you're the boss of it. Use this energy, boss, and tell it what you want. So, you have a permanent, challenging condition, you think? Think again. Some of you think you have a permanent condition called aging. Think again. You have never been at an energy crossroads like this one.
There may be metaphysical historians in years to come who will look back on this time, and they'll say, "This is when Humans started to take control over themselves. It was when they discovered that Human consciousness was palatable,
a powerful attribute of profound energy on the playing field of Earth energies--an energy that allowed Human Beings to speak to nature and to their cellular structures, and actually physically change them."
Now, who was it in history who did this? Think back. Hasn't the mold been set? Haven't you seen thisbefore? Didn't the gurus and great masters know how to do it? And did you think that was some form of circus act? Perhaps there was a message there. One for you? The settling of the grid has brought master status to the potential of humanity, period. The rewrite of The Crystalline Grid is the second stage of three. This rewrite is a rewrite of the past of humanity! What you do today changes the past of the planet. It has been called "The Grid of Light" for good reason.
How can humanity rewrite the past? It's not the physical past of what a Human has done that's being changed. It is, rather, the emotional past–how the DNA has been setup to deal with the reactions to the past. It's a rewrite of your consciousness regarding your past--all of which is stored on the crystalline grid as memory. As you rewrite that emotional memory, you do the clearing, the purification of the planet. That's what's going on now. What does all this mean? What's it all about? These metaphysical historianswill talk of this time. They will report that it was the time when Humans started to understand that DNA was more than just the double helix of biochemistry they could see under the microscope, representing one of the 12 layers that are actually there.
DNA--Continuing with the Lessons
Let's review some DNA information that we've just recently given. DNA is 12 layers deep. Each DNA layer has two major balancing attributes. Therefore, there are 24 attributes total. The layer that you can see in your reality we will call number one [the biochemical one]. Although it's impossible to numerically list and enumerate interdimensional things, we will still count them 1 through 12 to help you understand.
Whereas your science sees 11 dimensions in everything, there are actually 12. And we say again to the physicists and to the scientists that you're on the right track, but you forgot to count the zero. Zero is not"nothing," and it is not "infinity." It is an integer that is interdimensional. When you start to use it in your 12-based math, it will be the magic you need, and the one that will propel you to the stars. For the zero in 12-based math is the only number that holds the potential of what could be and what has been--truly an interdimensional number. There's nothing in your current math that holds this kind of energy. Twelve-based math will help you with physics, which is out of 4D. It is the computational method of the future.
We told you the last time we were with you that the 12 layers of DNA, when seen interdimensionally, come together in a cube that fits very nicely within the geometric shape that you've identified as the star tetrahedron. That's how we see it when we look at you. We see the programming--we see who you were--we see the potentials, the life lessons, and the crystalline program--all of which are contained in the DNA. When we say the word DNA, we mean all of it, not just the Human genome that you know as theone layer that can be seen in your 4D. We speak of all 12. But we're only going to discuss the first three today. Actually, number three is the subject.
Here is new information. It's difficult to explain, my partner, so be careful and go slowly [speaking to Lee]. DNA is structured into four groups of three. Each group of three has a name and a purpose. Within each group, each of the three layers also has a name and a purpose, but there's a relationship you should know--between one, two, and three. The third layer of each group is the catalyst for the first two. It's a catalyst of "allowance of change." It's difficult again to explain how this could be, but we'll say it again: Layer three in each grouping is the catalyst for layers one and two. Therefore, this third layer in each group is the most important one of the three.
Last time we talked about layer two. We talked about the twist-master [Lemurian scientist] counting therelationships of twists. We told you that this is one of the keys to the formulas that lie even within the 4D layer that you can see. This past channelling is now published information. We talked about layer two being the fear layer. It's more than that, you know? It's the emotional layer. Interdimensional indeed, it is, this second layer, the one that carries the essence and the seeds of Human emotion. It, as you know, can greatly affect number one, for your emotions often control your body chemistry, don't they?
The Wisdom of a Master--Third Layer DNA Activation
How do we do this [Kryon expressing the difficulty of teaching what is to come next]? I wish to take you on a journey. I want you to sit with me for a moment in front of the grandest master who you can conjure up in your mind. Your palette for this visualization and selection is all of the history of humanity. Who is it you'd like to sit in front of? Perhaps it's an ancient prophet? Perhaps a guru of some kind fromthe past? A medicine man? Maybe it's someone you dreamed about often--a man or a woman who truly knew God? Perhaps it's even a loving, wise parent? Well, I want you to sit here for a moment in front of that Human. Take yourself out of this room. It's not my partner you are physically in front of, but rather, the one you have selected. Visualize this.
Sitting there? Now I want you to feel this! What's going on? Why did you select this Human? What is it they're radiating that's so special? What is it that connects you to them one-on-one? Why do you want to sit with them for so long? Is it because they shine so radiantly? Perhaps. Well, let me tell you what it isn't. As you sit there, you really don't have any idea about their biology or their DNA, do you? So it isn't that you relate to the physical part. No. Instead, there's something coming through that master that's soooo strong! The master is different from most. He has absorbed a piece of the mind of God.That master has wisdom, radiance, and what you call love. There isn't anything about that Human you don't like. You realize that whatever you do, there will be total and complete tolerance, acceptance, and love. What a beautiful friend, this master is! Is the DNA of this Human different from yours? Yes. What you're feeling is taking place in the ascension layer, which is layer three of this Human--a layer that is now being activated in 2003 within you!
The Ascension Layer
Let me tell you about layer three. Layer three is the catalyst for one and two. It's what we've called the ascension layer. It is one that's literally closest to Spirit. The other layers in DNA contain many things. We've discussed the life lessons that are there--the past-life residues that are there--the contracts that are there, ready to be changed. There's even one that aligns to the energy of the planetary movements (theastrology layer). And then there's the big one--the one we called the guide layer. What you call the guides are part of your interdimensional DNA. Have you ever heard us say, "You're never alone"? Do you know how we can tell you that, and know it? Because part of God is you. Surging through you, by agreement, are those you've loved and lost, taking their places next to you, becoming part of the DNA for the rest of your life. An interdimensional part of each Human Being is The Cosmic Lattice, the essence of divinity in this Universe... and they "show up" in your perception as your guides and helper angels.
Your interdimensional DNA isn't static. It's changing every day of your life. What do you allow? What don't you allow? What kind of vibration are you taking on... or fighting from developing? The DNA responds and changes accordingly. This has always been a dynamic system. DNA is not set for life. The blueprint of layer one may be your biological "fingerprint," but the other layers are always in motion. Ifyou change the others enough, then even the one you can see will change.
The ascension layer is also associated with a part of the body. I'll give you some biological information, and I'll give you the history of this gland. The pineal represents communication with the ascension layer of DNA. What happens with layer three, through the pineal communicator, modifies layer one, the biological layer and layer two, the emotional layer. Now, Lemurian, I want you to go back with me and take a look at yourself in the mirror. Your head's a little different than it was in Lemuria, and that's because the pineal gland was huge back then. That's the way it started out, yet there are some in science who wonder if you even need it now! It's almost gone, they say.
Watch. Part of the evolution of humanity will reverse itself. When you begin connecting the pineal and the communication attributes of it to the third layer, that part which was dormant will become active again.The pineal gland will begin to grow again. Oh, it won't change the shape of your head this time, but I'll tell you... it will grow. And so we say this to the biologists: Watch for this enlarged pineal as humanity evolves into this next millennium.
There's a cosmic joke going around within your science. Let me tell you what it is, for it's quite amusing. Have you ever heard the expression that you only use 10 percent of your brain? Do you really think Human evolution and spiritual evolution would have resulted in such a thing? No. Biological history clearly shows that the Human body changed over recorded history as the needs changed around it. What we're saying is that if you didn't use the brain, it would be much, much smaller. Do you really think that nature created it, only for it to use only 10 percent... and then kept it large "just in case" you needed it? Believe me, nature isn't that inefficient! Listen: All of it is active all the time! Just wait until those scientistsstart to discover what interdimensional energy looks like. When they eventually develop the instruments to measure it and scan it, they'll be shocked when they "look" at the Human brain. For suddenly, they will say, the brain is working at 100 percent and growing!
A portion of the brain, just like the DNA, is dedicated to 4D things. Most of it, however, is dedicated to interdimensional things... again, just like DNA. Who are you? Who were you? What's going on? That central processor you call the brain is doing far, far more than any biologist believes or can measure at the moment. And it's no accident that the process of synapse is electrical. We speak of magnetics now. It's no accident that the magnetic grid of the planet has shifted and aligned itself to interdimensional DNA in an interdimensional processing unit called the Human brain. That also explains why there are literally tens of thousands on Earth who are starting to ask the spiritual question: "Is there more? What's goingon? Is God bigger than I was told? I want to know." It is the age of awakening! Truly, it is the age of remembrance! It is the year of release. It is the dispensation of the eight.
The most difficult layer to work with is the ascension layer. I told you at one time that I'd give you some names for the layers. They are, indeed, named. We have yet to name number one for you, and we're not going to for a while. Number two, however, the emotional layer, is one we've discussed before. Here is the name [Lee speaks it in Hebrew]: Torah E'ser Sphirot. It is the name of the second layer. It is a name of God!
But the third layer is even more special, for it is the catalyst of layers one and two. The name of the third layer is: Netzach Merkava Eliyahu.
Tough DiscussionsDear humanity, it's time to broach some uncomfortable issues. Here you sit in the land of plenty [speaking of America]. After this meeting is over, many of you will go and fill your stomachs. Not everyone here is in pain, either. You will have homes to go to and shelter from the elements. You even have people who love you... good friends, too, and many of you will be able to socialize with them this very evening. You won't be too cold or too hot to survive. All of you will have a bed. Have you ever wondered about the others? Have you ever wondered about the scheme of God and Human suffering? They don't seem to go together, do they? But there are vast numbers of Humans who suffer every day, and who don't have any of the things I just mentioned that you take for granted.
I've got to give you some spiritual postulates. I wish to give you some rules about the way things work, but even then you won't understand. Human Beings, especially Lightworkers, are built so that they haveempathy, and so that they care. The most repulsive thing to Lightworkers is seeming inappropriate death and suffering. True Lightworkers will go out of their way to help anyone whom they believe are in need, or who are suffering. Now, that's as it should be, dear one. But there are some things you have to consciously visit if you're going to understand that third layer. Remember that master you sat in front of? He knows how this all works. It's the wisdom and the love and the understanding of all there is, which pulls at you as you sit in front of him. What is it he has that you don't?
The postulates are these: (1) Every Human Being on the planet has free choice. That free choice extends way beyond your Human brain. It's free choice of your duality in combination with your Higher-Self. The higher your vibration, the more choices you make with a Higher-Self. These decisions are often out of the realm of your reality or your awareness. Postulate number two: (2) Children often have a much strongerconnection to the Higher-Self for the first ten years of their lives than you do now. They are more tuned in to Spirit. When it comes to emergencies, and when it comes to drama, sometimes the children will turn inward as the first step, calling upon their Higher-Selves, yet they don't have any training for such a thing. Some make up imaginary friends. You smile, not understanding that their imaginary friends are their own divinity. This divinity is what they count on in the worst cases.
"Kryon," some have asked, "what is the appropriateness of suffering on the planet and how can we get rid of it?" Your planet is in a specific balance between dark and light. How much dark and how much light is completely and totally in your hands right now. This balance has been the same for eons, but it's now shifting. Man's inhumanity to man has been part of the balance. To a Lightworker, this isn't a pleasant discussion. Appropriate? Yes, for a planet in that balance, and with full free choice to change it. Listen:We're going to give several channellings about this balance of light and dark. It's real, and it's what your entire existence is about at the moment. Because you changed this balance, the Armageddon didn't happen. Because you changed this balance, you have the ability to create a lasting peace on Earth. Because you dealt with the light and dark issue, you now are looking at the very DNA teaching about ascension that you're hearing and reading on this page.
Dear Human Being, if there are any teachers who tell you that your work is no longer about light and dark, just have them go outside for a while and look around! Have them go to the places where the dark celebrates itself, and children are dying. This is the battle that is being fought every day of your life. It is the duality definition. The light and dark balance on this planet is the engine of your existence, and it is the main test before you. To say it's not there anymore is a dangerous distraction. A warrior of the lightis one who knows all too well about this profound balance on Earth. Anyone who has struggled with their self-worth, or battled the darkness of their own duality, knows exactly what I'm talking about.
Little Sally--a Difficult Story to Tell, or Understand
I'd like to tell you about little Sally. Some of you aren't going to like this story. Oh, my partner [speaking to Lee], what I'm about to do is appropriate, but you've never channeled anything like it before. It will be over shortly, for I know you will feel it, and it will become uncomfortable, as the other Humans in the room will attest to later.
Little Sally was only three. Like many in so many cultures around the world, she was abducted--literally taken away to a dark place, by a man of low vibratory energy with a contract that most of you sitting here wouldn't begin to understand. For you see, all Human contracts with the other side are sacred. Hiscontract was not predestined, but predisposed. He had a choice to change it... free will to follow a groove, one where he would meet little Sally. His name is not given, for this is about little Sally. Another time we will give the mechanics of his story, so you'll understand even better how such a dark thing could exist within the sacred scope of the love of God. He met little Sally, and in his own way, lusted for this child. That's why he took her.
When it was discovered that little Sally was missing, the community supported the parents, who were distraught. They all prayed with great fervor, and they went on their knees before God. They plead with the angels before them. They called the names of God. They went to the clergy for solace. All of the spiritual people around them prayed for little Sally to be safe and sound. They prayed to God: "Let this be a quick and nonharmful event. Bring her back, please, dear God, bring her back. We pray for a miracle."They asked the angels to be with her, and to help her in all that she might be going through. They asked that the angels would protect her and bring her back. They went to their knees, and they wept and sobbed, as loving parents do in a horrible situation like this. Then their friends came out and put their hands upon them and hugged them and held their hands.
Little Sally was discovered later. She didn't make it, and the details of what she went through would scar the parents' memories for life. When all was known, some of the friends who prayed so hard turned against God. They said, "What good is it when we pray, if it doesn't work? Where were the angels when we needed them? Where was our belief system and the power of prayer when we needed it?" Some discarded their angels, and many had to ask the question: "Where was God when little Sally needed him?"And here's what I want to tell you. You know that master who you sat in front of? The one who radiated wisdom, love, tolerance, and understanding? That master has his third DNA layer activated! He would look at this situation differently than you might. That master is able to weigh the light and the dark, and that master knows something about little Sally that perhaps you didn't think of, or that the parents didn't think of, or the ones who discarded their belief didn't think of.
Here's another postulate: (3) Regardless of prayer--regardless of potential angelic intervention, no outside entity on this planet can change the absolute free choice of another Human Being. Little Sally was connected to her Higher-Self in ways you cannot understand. In those moments that were the darkest for her... seemingly all alone, she called upon that Higher-Self and said, "Help me! What are we going to do?" And together on a level that is higher and grander than you might think a child could go, she andher Higher-Self reviewed what she had come to Earth for. When this review was over, the question was put to her from her divine Higher-Self: "Sally, are you going to go through with this? We can help you co-create distractions and circumstances, and perhaps it will turn our differently. The angels are ready. What is your decision?"
And between the divine Higher-Self and the lower-self of that spiritual group whom Humans see in a singular way, Sally made a decision that you will never understand, Lightworker. Sally stood tall within her divinity, and through free choice said, "We're going through it. We're going to do what I came to do." And with the synchronicity generated by the man who took her, they did... together.
Why should this be? Unbeknownst to you is what little Sally knew. At a level that was filled with sacredness, she knew that what happened in that moment would affect hundreds and hundreds ofpeople. Some would have to examine their spirituality, some would have to get off the fence and decide what God meant. None of them would be unaffected. No. Each of them would have a reaction... one that might last a lifetime. The seeming sacrifice of one, in what seems to be a horror of an event, was poised to provide the enlightenment for many. And so "little Sally" wasn't so little. She was a giant among Humans... welcomed back into the domain of Spirit, into the fold. She participated in a grand party, turning right around and going back again as soon as it was appropriate. She even rejoined the same karmic group that she left. They never noticed, maybe wouldn't even believe it.
How can I describe this? The Lightworker will seldom understand it, but the master will. When you begin to activate that third layer, your master-hood begins to understand these situations. It sees the earth as all one item. It sees all situations and weighs them in appropriateness. The master weeps withappropriateness as a Human, but also the master sees the overview. He knows that any difficult death of a child is far more profound for those left behind than for the child who crossed over. The master celebrates what is going on in the heavens. He knows the "whys," and is settled with the overall picture.
What really happened? Little Sally's Higher-Self overruled all other energies. It overruled the prayers and the angelic helpers. At that moment, it was king of its own reality, and it made a choice that was well known within the layers of the DNA that we have not even broached yet. The giant called "little Sally" had made her choice, and the heavens rang with the ramifications of it. Many were changed, and some found their divinity that day. The Earth changed, too, and the situation went into the energy of the planet, and the balance between light and dark balanced itself slightly more to the light side.
Did you ever think of this? Or did you see it as something that darkened the planet? Do you understandnow what divine wisdom is? It's an attribute that's almost beyond Human understanding. But the masters know. Sometimes what you see as some of the most difficult and negative things on the planet are instead working to create change... awakening those who would never be concerned with spiritual things, and creating situations out of the reach of what you consider to be appropriate for God. We told you years ago that in order to build this new temple called "peace on Earth," the old temple's foundation would have to be scraped clean... and that is what you're looking at.
The third DNA layer modifies number two and number one. And that group, called group one [all three DNA layers together], changes the Human Being. It may surprise you that the first three layers that we would discuss would be the most important and potent ones when it comes to your own life, your ascension, your vibration, your master-hood, and your co-creation. All of the things that you strive for.Little No-Name
That's not all. If you thought that one was difficult, what about this one? Let me tell you about little No-Name. Little No-Name didn't last three months--never got a name. He was diseased when he was born, and those who were there barely kept him alive. They knew he wasn't going to make it, so they didn't want to waste resources doing anything but keeping him sustained. He died on his own, just as expected. There were those lined up behind him, too, and they weren't going to make it either.
In a culture where life is seen differently than this one, Little No-Name came and went, seemingly in a flash. Three months of suffering and sorrow. Most of you listening and reading would not want to be there. You don't think about it, and that's totally normal. There's no judgment of this, but you also can't pretend it doesn't exist.And where, in the scheme of world enlightenment and the love of God, do you think this situation sits? Is it a dark place that God doesn't visit? The answer (as you know), is far from that. God and the family exist in the darkest places imaginable. After all, that's where the transmutation to light must be done.
So, go there with me for just a moment and view Little No-Name. Humanitarian, if you could have sat next to him, you would have wept every minute of his life. Why? Because you are built to love! Your very fiber is designed to care about the children, and to move into action if you see injustice. What about the master? If the master were next to him, He would put his hand upon him in blessing and just sit and "be" every minute of the child's life. You see, the master would see into the situation and not wring his hands in desperation, or moan over how humanity was awful, or how poor Humans often treat Humans. The master would see a larger picture.
Little No-Name had a Higher-Self. Little No-Name and that Higher-Self had an agreement to come to Earth with the potential of exactly what happened... to go through it. And you might say, "Why? Why would such a thing ever have to be, if we are angels?" And I will say it again: Only angels can do these kinds of things in a world where there's free choice and planning. On the other side of the veil, do you think you're blindfolded and spiritually somehow fall from the sky and are born into situations that are random? No! In all your angelic glory, you decide with others about exactly where, and with whom, you'll incarnate. And you might say, "If that's the case, why would Little No-Name ever, ever come in to this planet in the first place? Why would there be such a thing?" Look at the facts. These things are happening daily, hundreds of times. Do you think this is an accident? You might not wish to look at it, but perhaps it's part of the grand plan. Even more profound... perhaps you played this role at one time, also!In a balanced planet of dark and light, as long as there's dark, there's going to be this kind of a balance. What you may not understand is that Little No-Name had spiritual energy, just like you do. And during his brief life-span, that energy was actually delivered to the dirt of the earth! Like a bundle of love that somehow the planet needed, his decision, and his agreement with his Higher-Self, actually changed the vibration of the planet! You see, there actually was purpose and reason. There was planning, there was execution, and there was love. You're not going to understand this unless you activate the third layer. It's the master who stands back and sees the appropriateness of dark and light. It's also the master who knows how to send light to those who need it, and to change some of these things through intent and wisdom. And yes... the master weeps, also.
The Great ShiftNow, what is your reaction to this message? Horrible, you say? "Kryon," you might say, "I can never accept this!" Good! Then you're well on your way to changing it! How would you like to get rid of it? How would you like to change the balance of light and dark on this beautiful planet so that there are fewer little Sallys and Little No-Names? Let me tell you something: That's why you're here!
There has never been a time in history where the old souls of the planet could come back and reinstate an energy of old... refine it, purify it, and change Human consciousness. See any increased hate on the planet lately? See any darkness coming out from under the rocks and caves? This is what happens when you turn on the light! What some of you consider untenable events and "turns for the worse" on your planet are the last gasps of an old balance of dark and light... the foundation of an old energy being scraped clean. And that, my dear Human Being, is why you are called Lightworker.Go back with me a moment to your entrance into your current expression [lifetime]. As you stood on the other side of the veil and you saw what was happening here, still you thrust yourself forward. Knowing about the potential of Armageddon and the fact that you might not last... that instead, your culture might be burned up in a holocaust of horror. That was the prediction when most of you were born. Go back and check out the prophecies of so many. Yet you still came. That's not a lot different than Sally or No-Name, is it? That's how much you care about the family.
But this time, many of you chose a culture of abundance where you would have free time, not stuck in a survival mode as so many others are today. Here is another postulate, an axiom: (4) You will never return to Earth [reincarnate] in a less-aware state. That's a promise. We've heard some of you say, privately: "If I have to go through this again, I'm never coming back!" And you thought we didn't hearyou? [Laughter] Well, you don't have to go through this again. Most of the Lemurians in this room are here for the sole purpose of changing the light/dark balance on the planet. It's why you picked up this book, and why you find yourself in a channelling meeting at all! And you're in the right culture and the right time. An accident? No.
There are masters walking around who don't want to go into that spiritual closet, take out that suit that says Lightworker, and put it on. That's their free choice. They may never do it in their lifetime. But then there are those who do. Whenever a Human approaches this point in their lives, if they choose to make the choice to open this metaphoric closet, everything they had ever learned about God in all of the lifetimes that they have ever lived would be upon them. Just like you, right now, remembering why you came. Just like you, right now, broaching the issue of what to do next that will help you, and everyonearound you.
The Third Story
Finally, let me tell you a third story about yet another beautiful entity. You've got to be in love with this one! What a precious young soul it is! It has come back. It has been on the earth as long as any Human alive. Look in its eyes. It's an old, old soul, one that returns and returns and returns. It knows how things work, and is very, very familiar with the energy of the planet. It has masterhood in its spiritual closet of opportunity.
The first breath of air it took was like, "Ah, I'm back. I know how all this works, yeah." In those first few months, it was so frustrating to see the spiritual family, to see the colors all around and not be able to speak any language! Sometimes it would flail, waving the arms and legs, so excited when it saw thosethat it "knew." When others saw all that waving, they thought it was just so cute. [Laughter] Through the eyes of a child often is seen the divinity of the planet.
And what is its name? It's "Little your-name-goes here!" And here you are listening and reading. You came because you knew this planet could be changed, and you did it. Lightworker, listen: The higher you vibrate, the more light is on this planet. Light is active and dark is passive. It only takes a few Lightworkers to create a balance that's more light-intensive for any situation. As you vibrate higher, the very area around you changes. The air molecules and the interdimensional life within them knows about your decision to change that third DNA layer!
The word ascension has been bantered around, meaning many things. It means "vibrating at a higher level and staying on the planet as a master." It's not the kind of master who people are going to worshipor flock to and sit at his feet. No. It's a master where even the elements know what he's done! It's you.
There will never be a time on this planet when dark is gone. Duality will make that so. But believe me, you're on the edge of curing some of the profound and incurable diseases that are on your planet. It is within your grasp to change societies that have been poor and ravished seemingly forever. In your lifetime, this can be accomplished, but it's going to take a change of consciousness. Slowly because of what you do in these kind of quiet spiritual moments, those around you, and the leadership around them, will begin to alter. The governments of the planet and the economics of the planet--it's all related--will also change to match the vibration around them.
All that has been in these last months has been a precursor for energies about to shift, some of them even next month [August]. Do not fear the love of God! Do not fear the change of the planet. If it werenot so, I would tell you, for I am in love with you. Family, Lemurian, it's why you're here.
These lessons around DNA continue this year and the next, and the next until you understand fully what's in all 12 layers. Let it not be lost upon you that these first layers are the most important ones in what you would call everyday life--your emotions, biology, life-span--your understanding, tolerance, integrity, wisdom, and co-creation.
Finally, I will give you this: One of the reasons you like to sit in front of those masters you selected earlier in the visualization is because they love themselves. They smile a lot. Now, take another good look at that master. See the face? Update it to the "now." That master has your face! That's you. It's the potential that you came in with, and it's the one that you can achieve. Health in times of biological unbalance, tolerance in the face of drama, lack of worry about money, better relationships--that's what'sat stake here. Walking day by day, connected to the Higher-Self in a way that gives you purpose in life--helping the planet in ways you don't realize.
And so, dear Human Beings, it is that time where we will withdraw. We sit in front of masters... this group of Humans who listen and read. That is what we've always seen from the moment we arrived. That is what we continue to see. Lemurians, you're never alone. Whatever it is you wish to achieve, there is divinity next to you and a piece of you that knows everything, inside. Part of you knows that if the planet can be changed by one or two, think of what a hundred could do. There is knowledge that perhaps the days of Little No-Names, and even little Sallys, are numbered. When you change consciousness, those things don't have to happen anymore. It's far more difficult to hold the darkness in your hand when there's light all around. The balance between dark and light on this planet has moved. Even the dualityhas changed, and that's the truth. That's why we love you the way we do. Those old souls called Lemurians who came down to the planet a few years ago determined to change an eon-old balance... were successful. And now the real work begins.
And so it is.
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