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Water and its spiritual /healing properties
Energy signatures of water:
The next clip gives a glimpse of water's consciousness
There is no need for me to go into any detail on the importance of water at a societal level because we are all aware that industry use the water cycle, streams, rivers and oceans as a means to dispose of their wastes and pollutants in a euphemism called 'dilute and disperse'. Instead, I would like to highlight its very obvious, yet sometimes forgotten other health-promoting properties.
Download here an interesting interview between Mike Adams of Natural News and Dr. Batmanghelidj on the healing properties of water. Dr. Batmanghelidj is (or was) a practicing M.D. from the allopathic or modern path and he has some very interesting insights on the (mis)diagnosis and (mis)treatment of many modern day ailments and their 'treatment' using drinking water.
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